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  • 3 Benefits To Celebrating The Holidays That Will Unlock More Success Next Year

3 Benefits To Celebrating The Holidays That Will Unlock More Success Next Year

What are the true benefits of the holidays that can impact my life in a positive way?

The holidays are here. And that means all the good vibes are here with it.

*Unlocking my singing voice* It's the most wonderful time of the yearrrrrr.

It really is. It's great for business. For family. For relationships. And everything in between.

But not everybody sees it that way.

Some people look at the holidays as one big marketing hoax for businesses to make extra mula.

And as a fellow business owner, I can't disagree with that.

But that doesn't mean you can't find your own value in the holidays.

There's always a silver lining if you look hard enough.

And for most people the parties, end of year bonuses, and shopping through blowout sales is all they need.

But for my over achievers out there, I know you're looking for more.

I had the same thought.

What is the true benefit of the holidays that can impact my life in a positive way?

The answer is this...


The holidays for most people are all about taking time off, taking a nice fat bonus, and taking all the gifts Santa leaves them on Christmas morning.

That sounds fun.

But you aren't going to grow much from being an expert "taker".

Giving on the other hand has a hand full of benefits.

Okay no more hand metaphors.

But seriously, giving is so much more than just handing a homeless man on the road five bucks.

Giving is an art.

And what better time to practice that art than *singing voice again* THE MOST WONDERRRFUL TIME OF THE YEARRRRR...

Okay I won't torture your ears anymore.

When you give with passion and purpose, you can get really good at many key skills.

When you give there's one thing you have to do first...

Figure out what to give.

And to give great gifts you have to understand who you're giving to.

Someone that gives me a Starbucks gift card is nowhere near as impactful as someone that gives me a gift card to a magic shop.

And only the people that take the time to learn me will know how to really give in a way that truly impacts me.

And in life, everyone wants to be understood.

If you master this skill, you'll be better and understanding what your boss truly needs from you on a project, why your partner truly isn't happy in your relationship, or even what your customers are really looking for from your product.

Those are all invaluable insights to have.

Another thing you can learn from being a great giver in the holiday season, is how to get the most bang for your buck.

Don't be the parents that don't know their kids so they buy them $5000 worth of designer clothes and new Apple products AGAIN.

Be the parents that can go to Five Below, pick out one singular product and have a lasting impact on their kids.

Giving is not a numbers game. Giving is an effort game.

I challenge you this year, to only buy one gift for each person in your family.

Not a bunch of random things to diversify your odds of success like it's an investment portfolio.

Get one gift, and make it count.

I promise you'll see the difference in the responses you receive.

And one of the last things that celebrating the holidays can teach you is presenting.

No matter how random or thoughtful your gift is, it's never going to hit unless you present it like a true gift.

Many people don't think about this but it's an easy concept to understand.

If you went and picked up a brand new car just sitting randomly in a Kroger parking lot that your parents gifted you...it's not the same as them presenting each and every detail of why they picked this car for you.

It's the thought that counts. Not the receipts or price tag.

So celebrate the holidays and take the time to think through each and every part of your presentation.

Why this gift, why is it special, how did you find it, what impact do you think it'll have?

Answer all those things and more and you'll become a master of conveying the value of things.

All these skills compound when you practice them together. And the simple way to do that is...

Celebrate The Holida...

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