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  • 3 Little Known Tricks To Unlock Your Inner Charisma Overnight

3 Little Known Tricks To Unlock Your Inner Charisma Overnight

If you follow these 3 little known tricks, you'll have charisma on demand whenever you need it.

You're only as successful as your ability to work with others.

As a true introvert that always wants to be alone, I never thought this was true.

"If I study hard and learn everything I need to know, I'll become super intelligent. And it's impossible to be intelligent and unsuccessful."

Boy was I wrong.

Through books, stories, and real life examples I learned the hard way that raw intelligence is never an indicator of life success.

Instead, the key to really maximizing your life success, is being good with other humans.

Many researchers and professionals call this "emotional intelligence".

And I was born with zero of it.

Which is exactly why I spend all of my youth learning everything I could about body language, social dynamics, and human psychology.

And after all those years of deep dives at Barnes and Nobles, one thing became very clear.

Social intelligence like all other types of intelligence can be learned.

That means the cool kids you envied in high school aren't special.

That means the smooth talking salesman that gets all the commissions is just a mere mortal.

That means, if you want to truly level up your social presence by being more charismatic, you absolutely can.

And if you follow these 3 little known tricks, you'll have charisma on demand whenever you need it.

The first trick is called mirroring.

Mirroring is a simple concept studied in psychology where one person copies the movements of another.

An example of mirroring would be meeting a recruiter for an interview and they have their legs crossed, so you lean back and cross your legs to match their posture.

This is an extremely beneficial tactic because it creates a form of comfortability in the mind of the person.

Whenever they change poses, get excited, or move in a slower manner you slowly transition to do the same.

They will subconsciously feel more connected, in tune, and more equal with you.

I've tried this out with all kinds of people from strangers on the street to c-level executives for Fortune 500 companies.

The key to mirroring well is moving naturally and with a little delay. If the person you're trying to impress notices you're copying their every move, it will come across as fake and disingenuous.

And remember mirroring isn't limited to physical poses. It works well with tone of voice, energy, and more.

The second trick I call frame breaking.

Frame breaking is a fancy name I came up with to say leaving an impression.

When people go about their daily lives, they drink the same coffee, drive the same streets, talk to the same people, about the same old things.

Saying our lives are boring is an understatement.

Every time you interact with someone chances are they've had a near identical interaction a few hours ago.

So if you want to be more charismatic, you have to start with being more memorable.

That's why frame breaking is important.

Anything that is expected as the norm is an opportunity for a frame break.

You can do this in simple ways like fist bumping someone instead of shaking their hands.

Or you can take it up a notch by talking about "taboo" topics or asking thought-provoking questions from left-field?

For example...What are you planning to eat for lunch tonight? Seriously, send me a dm @EntrepreneurTim. I'm curious.

Okay, okay I'll stop joking around.

The last trick is called rapport repetition.

Rapport repetition is the easiest trick of them all. And you're probably already doing it.

You ever met a new person at school or work that wanted to be friends?...

And then for some reason every time they see you, they say, "Hey best friend!"?

That is a prime example of rapport repetition.

The person is taking a simple action that implies closeness, in this instance it's calling you best friend, and they use it over and over.

A more natural way to do this is simply by using people's names often when first meeting them.

Hearing someone say your name, or call you best friend over and over will tell your subconscious that you are close to this person.

The more repetitive the action the more rapport it will build.

You can do this by mentioning inside jokes or personal facts the person would only share with their closest friends.

Be repetitive and you'll actually go from acquaintance to bestie.

All three of these tricks are simple enough to start practicing today but powerful enough to make you the cool kid overnight.

If you use them all together, your charisma will be off the charts.

And good social standings usually lead to great life standings.

So go out there and unlock your inner charisma!

Socially awkward high school you has been waiting for this moment all their li...

In progress,

Tim Lightwork


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