Stop Being Happy, It's Ruining Your Life

For the people that are always happy, excited, and have an amazing outlook on everything.

I'm a realist.

I choose never to be too positive or too negative.

But I'm sure most of my friends would call me a pessimist.

And that's probably because they are all optimist.

You know the types.

The people that are always happy, excited, and have an amazing outlook on everything going on in their life.

Okay not everything.

But seriously, their natural state of mind is switched to happy.

Mine is not.

I used to envy this.

Until I learned that being too optimistic can literally ruin your life.

So if you're smiling for no reason while reading this, let me share with you 3 reasons why being happy is ruining your life.

First things first, let's be clear.

Majority of all humans are here with one underlying goal in mind...find happiness.

And I have that same exact goal. 

However when we chase a goal directly, we often only end up further away.

For most people the problem isn't being happy, it's being too happy.

You're excited every morning.

You're happy when you get stuck in traffic.

You're happy to lose a job you worked really hard to get.

You're happy when your partner blatantly cheats on you.

Happiness should never be a constant.

When you're too happy about every little thing you only make your life harder.

When real lows come around, they hit you ten times harder than everyone else.

You slip into the deepest depression, where all happiness evaporates.

When you get angry you go off the wall and hurt someone or break something.

When you get scared, it turns into debilitating anxiety.

That's because the more time you spend overly happy at nothing, the less you learn to cope with other emotions.

And life is a rainbow of emotions. You must learn to embrace them all.

Another way happiness is slowly destroying our lives is when it limits our desires.

Don't get me wrong. Happiness is great.

We should all search for it.

But happiness is inherently a drug.

Many times when we are happy, our minds interpret that as we are safe and comfortable.

It's good to have peace of mind when you lay down to sleep each night.

But chances are there are many things in life you should be working to improve.

You may have health issues to work on, finances to get in order, or even family drama to mend.

When you're happy all the time, you won't feel the desire to work on those things. 

Remember, happy to the mind means everything is perfect.

If you spend too much time happy 24/7, one day you'll look up and realize you've done nothing worthwhile with your life.

Our lack of happiness is often the biggest motivator for us to create it.

And the last way happiness can be a poison you're willingly taking is in the type of happiness you have.

This is the worst of the three ways happiness hurts us.

Many people confuse the desire to find happiness in life with the quick spike of enjoyment we find in everyday things.

Eating a bar of chocolate, although very tasty, does not create happiness.

Having sex with a random hot person, although very exciting, does not create happiness.

Spending money on a Gucci purse, although very dumb, does not create happiness.

Many people are creating constant "happiness" through frivolous one time dopamine hits.

And that will only lead you down a spiral of codependence and addiction.

True happiness is a mindset and it comes from within.

And optimist, pessimist, or realist many of us don't have it.

When you do you'll know it.

Every day that you substitute true happiness, with addictive pleasures and temptations you are becoming more unstable.

And one day it's all going to come crashing down.

Happiness is the goal.

But the real one, in the right way, at the right times.

So next time you're overly happy, ask yourself...

"Am I truly happy or do I just feel good?"

Because there's a differ...

In progress,



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