Why You Need Friends That Will Level You Up

There are extremely interesting, capable, and still friendly, badass people out there willing to be your friend.

Friends are the people we choose to be family.

Growing up we're extremely hyper focused on who our friends are.

If you're socially awkward (and we all were) you might even be worried about having friends at all.

It's not like you're gifted 3 amazing best friends when you turn eighteen like it's a right of passage.

You'll get a drivers license and be allowed to drink alcohol one day. It's a part of the process.

But friends...you're never guaranteed to have them.

And for many of us introverted kids, that realization was all too real.

So many of us spent our childhoods trying to fit in and be the coolest version of ourselves, just so we could attract friends.

If we had to wear the newest limited release Jordan sneakers, or sneak out to go to a house party, we did it.

As a young adult coming into the world, there are few things more important than finding friends.

And the more the better.

But as we age and get older, we learn to stop searching for people to be our friends.

Friends are so irrelevant to what we've got going on and where we're headed in life.

As an adult, we "make friends" wherever and whenever.

If we're in the lobby waiting to get on a flight and someone strikes up a convo, "Cool, we can be friends."

If we're at a bar and someone spills a beer all over our 10 year old pair of Van's, "Cool, we can be friends."

Shoot if someone leaves a negative comment on your latest IG post, but it happens to make you chuckle..."Cool, we can be friends."

As we go through life, we let go of the desire to find friends.

And while we probably had the wrong intentions as kids, one the most best things we can do to improve our quality of life, is making an effort to find the right friends.

You can level up your life just by getting friends that add value in the right ways.

The trick to getting friends that improve your life, is learning to counter your weaknesses.

If you're extremely good at saving and planning your finances for the future that's a great trait.

But when it's all said and done, you'll have missed out on a lot of life's greatest treasures.

There are many potential friends out there that love to explore and be adventurous.

They will add double the amount of value than adding another "future financial advisor" friend to your roster.

Don't get me wrong, you need to make friends with people that actually have your best interest at heart.

But don't be afraid to branch out of your comfort zone.

Some people will only ever have friends that live in the same town, are the same race, and work the same job as them.

That's boring.

And it's extremely inefficient.

They say you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with...

So why not make those five people amazing.

Instead of looking at your friend group criteria as the people you've bumped into that are "nice" to you...

You should be trying to assemble the Avengers!

There are extremely interesting, capable, and still friendly, badass people out there willing to be your friend.

You just have to go and befriend th...

In progress,



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