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  • Don't Get A Gym Membership, You'll Never Reach That Fitness Goal

Don't Get A Gym Membership, You'll Never Reach That Fitness Goal

There's a lot I've learned about the gym going experience that I wish I knew before I signed my life away.

This one is a hard pill to share.

Everyone, and I mean everyone should have some kind of fitness and health goal.

And many of us do...including me.

I get a work out in pretty much every week day, with little to no exceptions.

And yes, a lot of those workouts happen in my local gym.

But there's a lot I've learned about the gym going experience that I wish I knew before I signed my life away.

And as we enter new years and new beginnings I know everyone and their mom is looking to focus on fitness.

And there's nobody more ready to prey on that fact than your closest fancy for no reason gym.

If you want to feel productive and look like you're getting in shape, then go for that gym membership.

But for my WIPs that want true progress and growth, don't get a gym membership because it just may guarantee you'll never reach that goal.

Here's why...

First of all, the goals we set when it comes to fitness are almost always unreasonable.

You see some twenty year old kid that walks around with five percent body fat all year long.

And you immediately set that as your goal.

But what you don't see is the nausea, light-headedness, and twelve years of steroid use that came before.

Many of us set these highly unrealistic goals, and you know who would love for you to set a goal that would literally take you a lifetime and 3 wishes to complete?..

The gym.

The gym trainers and workers are all just as lost in the world of fake fitness goals as you...and sometimes even more so.

The goals we're setting should be less about wild results and more about small improvements.

As a matter of fact, they shouldn't be goals at all. You should be setting habits and milestones for yourself.

When you look at fitness as a lifestyle, not a destination you open yourself up to real progress.

And you keep your sanity along the way.

Most gyms, will often just be the middleman in a lifelong toxic relationship between you and health.


You'll get embarrassed or discouraged seeing again, unrealistic or unnatural results every day.

You'll get frustrated when you forget to pay your membership.

You'll get obsessed with numbers on a scale instead of lifestyle.

You may start screwing up your relationship with food and calorie counting everything.

If you don't know what you're doing, it can take what was a nice new years resolution and turn it into a new mid-life crisis.

What I recommended instead, is finding physical activities and hobbies you enjoy.

The pros for this will almost always outweigh the pros of the gym.

When you go to a swimming meet, or tennis game, nobody's focused on their body fat percentage or looking cool for a social media post.

People are there to do what they love.

And if you love yourself, fitness should always be something you enjoy doing.

You don't get discouraged, depressed, or anxious when you book a massage, get your nails done, or even take a nice hot shower.

That's self care.

So why should fitness be this dreadful, anxiety inducing experience we force ourselves to do every day?

It shouldn't.

And the best part of fitness through fun activities you enjoy like basketball or volleyball is that oftentimes you join a thriving a community as well.

So rather than the isolating, stressful experience at many gyms, your basketball community will likely be adding MORE self care to your fitness routine.

Add in the fact, that most hobbies and physical activities are free, and cost you nothing to participate.

Or the fact that, nobody's going to charge you some exorbitant cancellation fee if life gets busy one month.

Gyms have a purpose.

But that purpose doesn't align with the lifestyle many of us aspire to live.

Be fit, AND be happy.

Find a physical hobby that you'll actually enjoy.

Now is the time to have things working for you not against y...

In progress,



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