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  • The Only Resolution You Need To Maximize Your Success This Year

The Only Resolution You Need To Maximize Your Success This Year

I've learned the key to New Year's isn't having many resolutions but rather one.

The end is near.

Which means a new beginning is on the horizon.

We humans like to call this time, the New Years.

And while I may not be big on holidays and frivolous celebrations, I always respect opportunities for growth.

We are all just a work in progress after all.

The New Year's isn't the best time to develop yourself, but it surely is an effective time.

The calendar starts fresh, everyone is in a good mood, and there's nothing but potential ahead.

Growing up, I always loved planning out my resolutions for the upcoming year.

And if you're reading this, chances are you enjoy making resolutions as well.

But for some reason our resolutions never stick around past the first month or two.

And that's frustrating.

I've taken time to analyze why the motivation and resolutions we have never seem to follow through.

I've learned the key to New Year's isn't having many resolutions but rather one.

The secret to the most impactful year, is takng all your resolutions and distilling them into one simple, succinct resolution.

Here's the only resolution you need to maximize your success this year.

Before I jump into what that one resolution is, let me break down why this works so well.

As humans we have a limited amount of energy and finite amount of focus.

The more things we try to focus on in life, the worse we get at focusing.

We've all seen those Youtube videos where they tell you to count the basketballs, and then two minutes later, to your surprise a whole gorilla walked across the screen.

Humans are finite creatures living in an infinite world.

We have to learn work within those confines instead of against them.

So when it comes to our desires and goals, the less that we have the more likely we are to complete them.

Look, anything in life is possible.

But if I grew up trying to be President of the U.S., an NBA player, AND an astronaut one day, it would be absurd.

Rather than stretching ourselves thin with a fitness goal, a career goal, a finance goal, a relationship goal, and a travel goal, pick the one most important to you right now.

I know for me, I'm focused on becoming a millionaire.

For you it may be trying to lose 30 pounds of weight.

Pick that one goal that if you truly accomplished in 365 days, the entire year would be considered a success.

Let the others go...for now.

Now that you have your one super focused mission for the New Year, it's time to turn it into a resolution that can last for a lifetime.

And this is really the secret sauce to my success, and many others that accomplish amazing resolutions year after year.

Take whatever goal you have and expand on the full vision of it.

What are all the details to that goal?

So I want to have a million dollars or more of liquid cash in my personal bank accounts by Dec. 31st 2023.

That's my goal in detail.

Next, I need to describe all that I think it would take to accomplish that goal.

For weight loss it may be going to the gym 5 times a week, burning 250 calories in each gym session, and eating only salads.

Those are the tasks needed to accomplish that goal. And that's where it all starts to break down for us.

Our lives are too busy, things change too often, and we can't remember all those moving parts.

So to maximize our probability of success, we take those tasks and we push ourselves to answer one prompt...

If my goal could be accomplished by doing ONE single task over and over what would it be?

This is not an easy question to answer but it is a powerful one.

To make a million dollars maybe it is selling ten digital courses worth $297 every day for the whole year.

For a weight loss goal, it could be burning 500 calories every day, or better yet going to sleep every day in a 200 calorie deficit.

The reality is that 80% of most goals are accomplished with 20% of the work. You want to find out what task will get you that 80%.

Instead of trying to do one hundred different things to accomplish your goal, you distill down into one power task that when done consistently will lead to results.

This lightens the load mentally and gives us a foolproof plan to improve in the New Year.

So as the end approaches, use this strategy to really make next year an impactful one.

Choose one power goal, and break it down into one repeatable power task.

Do this each and every year, and one day you may not need a New Year resoluti...

In progress,

Tim Lightwork


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