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  • The Shocking Reason Every Successful Person Drinks Sparkling Water.

The Shocking Reason Every Successful Person Drinks Sparkling Water.

This is not an ad for sparkling water. This is a case study on success and the people that acquire it.

First off let me start by saying...This is not an ad for sparkling water.

I'd love to be sponsored by some high end water brand but I'm not in the big leagues yet.

This is a case study on success and the people that acquire it.

I know you've noticed what I'm talking about.

When you go to a college campus and grab lunch with some freshman's, your only drink option is soda or lemonade.

But when you go to a fancy meeting in the city to present a proposal, they offer two or three types of sparkling water.

And that's not even the weirdest part.

The weirdest part is every big-wig, suit-wearing executive orders a glass of the sparkling water.

It's so commonplace that you start feeling pressure to order a glass of sparkling water yourself... just to fit in.

That's very strange and it makes no sense.

But what if I told it you it does.

There's a big reason that every successful person drinks sparkling water...

And it just might be the one thing holding you back from success.

But before I explain the secrets of sparkling water, let's just do a little name dropping...

There are reports of Dick Cheney requesting Perrier sparkling water in his appearance contracts.

Kristen Bell has officially partnered with Spindrift to promote their sparkling water products.

Andrew Tate has gone on record explaining why he strictly only drinks sparkling water.

Diplo has been seen chugging entire cases of sparkling water after performances.

And that's only the celebs that we have record of. The list goes on and on.

Realistically speaking, all these celebs could just be getting paid a check to promote these new sparkling water brands.

And I can't argue with that.

But honestly speaking, the higher you go in the ladder of success, the more pervasive sparkling water has become.

And I can attest to that.

It confused me for a long time.

"Sparkling water is nasty."

"Why not just drink normal water?"

"It must be some kind of weird inside joke."

But then I learned the joke is really on us.

Drinking sparkling water is simply a byproduct of having a winner's mindset.

Most people look at life as a fixed game.

"There are certain boundaries and rules that are set and can never be changed."

"If I want to become rich, famous, or powerful I have to win within the rules the game gives me."

That's a cute way to look at things.

But the truth is, real winners look at their goals and success as non-negotiables.

"I will become rich no matter what. It's not a matter of if, but rather when."

And that mindset means they find shortcuts, tricks, and life-hacks that help them skip the line.

True successful people are disciplined enough to do hard work, but bold enough to take shortcuts.

And sparkling water is simply one example of that.

Most people look at health as a zero sum game.

I either get to drink sugary fatty sodas all day long...or I have to drink pure unaltered water.

Somewhere along the way, a real winner, decided they wanted to "have their cake and eat it too."

Or should I say, taste soda while drinking water.

Sparkling water is that brainchild.

Sparkling water is all the bubbles, carbonation, and flavor of cracking open a soda...but with all the benefits of drinking a cold glass of water.

It's a win-win.

And the most successful people in the world never settle for less than a win-win situation.

That goes for business, relationships, fitness, and more.

So the next time you see some big shot ordering a cold glass of sparkling water... don't think "weirdo".

But rather admire the winner within that is choosing health AND taste. Not health OR tas...

In progress,

Tim Lightwork


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