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  • Why Having Silent Lunch As A Kid Will Actually Lead To More Success

Why Having Silent Lunch As A Kid Will Actually Lead To More Success

I've realized there's something pretty powerful about Silent Lunch that every kid has taken for granted.

Back in the days there was one thing all kids hated with a passion...

Silent Lunch.

We knew that it was one of the worst punishments our teachers or parents could give us.

For the two goodie two shoes reading this that have no idea what a "Silent Lunch" is, here's the rundown.

When you messed up as a kid, like maybe copying off someone's homework, you were punished with Silent Lunch.

You basically had to go to the cafeteria like any other day, wait in line, and get your plate of food.

But instead of heading to the cool table with all your friends(let's be real you weren't sitting at the cool table but we can pretend.) you walked straight over to your teacher.

And you had to sit down at a table with all the other bad kids, and your teacher, and there was absolutely no talking.

But the worst part, as all of us reformed bad kids know, was hearing the funny, exciting, cool conversations coming from all your friends one table over.

For us kids, Silent Lunch was the worst.

But now as an adult, I've realized there's something pretty powerful about Silent Lunch that every kid has taken for granted.

As a matter of fact, if more adults and people had Silent Lunches in their everyday life, we may just be able to build a life of true success and happiness.

Here's why Silent Lunch is more powerful than we think.

The problem many of us have in today's world, is one of clarity.

We aren't struggling to find a good idea for a business to build.

We aren't struggling to find areas of improvement for our lives.

We aren't struggling to find good ways to help others in need.

No. There are hundreds of ideas, problems, initiatives, and projects for us to work on.

We are struggling to find clarity on which projects are worth our energy and which aren't.

Once upon a time, information and ideas were a gold mine. But now with tools like AI, the internet, and constant digital stimulation, we live in a world of information overload.

What are we going to do about it?

For many of us, nothing. We've just accepted it as the normal.

But for those that still want to make the most of their life with the limited time and energy they have, finding clarity is key.

And there's no better way to find clarity than through silence.

I think meditation experts, church organizers, and teachers alike have realized this.

Silence is the most powerful tool we think is worth nothing.

When you don't need it, it feels useless. But when you can't have it, it becomes essential.

We don't realize that in today's world we are reaching the point of "can't have".

When is the last time you've had true pure silence. No text notifications, no friends talking about gossip, no ads or companies promoting something to you?

It's now, years later, that we realize Silent Lunch was Golden Lunch.

We were able to sit, think, and be. With little to no interruptions.

Many of our dreams, goals, and aspirations are being held back because we never take a moment to sit, think, and be.

What do we want?

Why do we want it?

How will we get it?

When will we have it?

Many people can't think through those simple 4 questions without, interruptions and distractions begging for their attention.

The truth is, if we're living in a new attention economy, many of us are already broke.

Take time to find stillness in your life.

Find time to foster clarity in your life.

Find time to take your Silent Lunc...

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