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- How to Instantly Become Desirable Using One Rare Trait
How to Instantly Become Desirable Using One Rare Trait
This one thing will make you desirable to friends, coworkers, love interests, and more.
Hey fellow WIPs!
This weekend has been very overwhelming.
Sometimes in the pursuit of progress we can put too much on our plate.
I’ve been trying to juggle business, fitness, personal brand, relationship, legal issues, health, financial planning, and video editing.
It’s safe to say all progress isn’t healthy progress.
Hope you have been balancing your plate better.
Today I’m sharing the key to being desirable to almost anyone.
Enjoy 😉

Desire is a natural human emotion.
When we need something that we don’t have, it becomes more desirable.
A thousand years ago, desire was probably looked at as an unpleasant feeling.
But in modern society, we’ve learned the more you control desire, the more powerful you become.
And it’s a whole different ball game when that desire is for you.
That’s why we as humans spend so much time and energy trying to become more desirable.
We spend endless hours picking up weights trying to sculpt an attractive body.
We spend billions of dollars purchasing makeup to paint over our facial flaws.
And the money we spend trying to look good in brighter and tighter clothing is simply unmatched.
It’s crazy what we’ll do in the name of desire.
But what if I told you there was one thing that can instantly make you desirable to 90% of people.
Not desirable in a sexual way but in a human to human way.
This one thing will make you desirable to friends, coworkers, love interests, and more.
And it doesn’t cost money, or take thousands of dollars of upfront investment.
Here’s how to instantly become desirable using one rare trait.
Ambition is desirable to nearly everyone.
When you look around you, how many people do you know that are naturally ambitious?
I don’t mean they want a new car or to go on a nice vacation this summer.
I mean someone that wants to accomplish what no one has ever done before.
I mean someone that wakes up everyday with the goal of being a little better than the day before.
Chances are you don’t know many people like that.
And you wouldn’t be alone.
Ambition is a very rare trait.
And the sad part is that we need ambition to keep the world moving forward.
We may get drained being around go-getters that work 24/7 but we all naturally love to see things progress.
We’re all works in progress after all 😉 .
Ambition is the key to creating that progress.
When you have an ambitious person in your group project, you get an A++ instead of a barely passing C.
When you date an ambitious partner, you guys build the best life for your kids not just an average one.
When you work with an ambitious coworker, you guys don’t just clock your hours, you add value to the whole team.
We all have an innate desire to be around people who are ambitious.
And that’s exactly why you should embrace your inner ambitions.
As a kid, you wanted to win every field day event and be the smartest kid in class.
You wanted to be a doctor or lawyer when you grew up.
You had ambition flowing through your tiny little veins.
Now in your later years you need that ambition more than ever.
And the world desires that ambition more than ever.
Everywhere we look there’s another person who’s ambitious spark dies leaving them in a state of forever averageness.
If you want to be the person your friends look toward for new ideas, goals, and visions…
Be ambitious.
If you want to be the person not your boss but the whole company looks to for new growth…
Be ambitious.
If you want to be the person your family yearns for to reinspire the love and unity…
Be ambitious.
With no ambition our world is a grey ball of nothingness.
That’s why we all desire the person with ambition.
If you let your ambition shine through, you will be desired and valued by all.
Because without your ambition work in progress becomes work without purpose…
In progress,